Alan Robinson : New MERZ Window

    Stained Glass artist Alan Robinson recently completed his second window for MERZ. This window is located in Snug, the micro-flat within the MERZ staff-flat in Sanquhar. Alan incorporated locally found pottery, offcuts of Victorian stained glass as well as newly painted glass to depict elements of the four residential buildings at MERZ. Installed as part... Read More

    Art Particles : Museum of Model Art

    David Rushton‘s Art Particles 1/24th scale models opened on 27th May 2023 at the Museum of Model Art having been shown at the first Sanquhar Arts Festival in May 2019. The latest exhibition included the earliest of Rushton‘s models, a set design for The Rattle of a Simple Man from 1966. Alongside Art Particles was... Read More

    MERZ : Impressions of Sanquhar

    David Rushton’s ‘impression pot’ and Kristin Powers’ sculpture as ‘work in progress’ Impressions of Sanquhar at MERZ showcased the work of Kristin Powers and David Rushton to realise a possible new ceramics studio in Sanquhar: using local clay from the former brick-fields. If successful the ceramics studio will offer local training in pottery, development of... Read More

    Impressions of MERZ : Florian Kaplick

    As the finale to a wonderful evening interpreting Kurt Schwitters’ and Dada poetry – and with the help of A’ the Airts Youth Theatre – Florian Kaplick finished the evening with a collage of Beethoven and Schwiiters. WAR (2) presented the English (2023) version of Kurt Schwitters‘ ‘Moon‘ and Beethoven‘s Moonlight Sonata with piano and... Read More


    The October 2023 Workshop-Residencies at MERZ will explore collage as a contemporary working method informed by history and ideology. MERZ is inspired by the working experiences of Kurt Schwitters and Hannah Höch. This 28 day residency will support artists to interpret three themes introduced during Workshops in week one. The Workshop Week will demonstrate how... Read More

    Heather Stearns : Kolaj Artist Workshop

    Heather Stearns arrived at MERZ for a week’s collage workshop with the Kolaj Institute. Titled ‘Passing Place’ three groups of ten artists have been exploring place and community identity in and around Sanquhar.

    On Request : MERZ in 2009

    Fourteen years ago the MERZ site was an abandoned and derelict plumbers’ yard. There were two remaining buildings from Sanquhar’s former ‘lemonade’ factory of the 1890s, or Sharps Aerated Water Company. Work began on repairing and repurposing the brick built factory to open as MERZ Gallery. In 2011 MERZ Gallery opened with David Rushton‘s exhibition... Read More

    Janice Horne : Kolaj Artist Workshop

    Janice Horne arrived at MERZ for a week’s collage workshop with the Kolaj Institute. Titled ‘Passing Place’ three groups of ten artists have been exploring place and community identity in and around Sanquhar.

    Three Collage Artist Residencies in Scotland : 6-28 April 2023

      MERZ will be hosting the Kolaj Institute’s three week-long residencies throughout April. Following a successful collage residency programme September 2022, April we’ll see thirty artists on week-long workshops exploring local folklore and tradition. Last September we also celebrated the second anniversary of the Schwitters’ Army exhibition at MERZ. Coordinated by Ric Kasini Kadour the... Read More

    Untitled (2022) MERZ film in Festivals

    In December the MERZ animation Untitled (2022) was one of fifty films screened at the European Short Film Festival in Berlin. On 25th February Untitled (2022) will be one of ten films screened at the Osprey Short Film Awards in Keswick. The animation, with puppets and shadow figures imagines Kurt Schwitters‘ memories during his final... Read More

    Sanquhar Pottery Project

    Kristin Powers has joined MERZ for a couple of months to assist refining the local clay. For this year’s Sanquhar Arts Festival at the end of May MERZ will be showing the results of experiments to improve the local clay for making ceramics and pots. For many years the local clay was used for bricks,... Read More

    Jane Frere : Building the Ark

    MERZ made a visit to Jane Frere‘s studio with artist Olga Lapteva and designer Anna Seisian from Ukraine. We encountered Jane’s ‘elephant in the room’ created especially for COP26. We were talking about war: all wars. The average west-world human contributes ten tons of CO2e per capita per annum into the atmosphere. If we are... Read More

    Ginny Krueger : a wee locket

    Ginny Krueger is the November artist in residence at MERZ. When travelling Ginny works with inks while at home in the US she focuses on encaustic, a mixture of beeswax, resin and pigment. Ginny will be exhibiting her work at MERZ on 3rd December under the title ‘a wee locket’.

    Hsin-Yu Chen : MERZ media consultant

    Hsin-Yu recently graduated from the University of Portsmouth. As part of her stay at MERZ Hsin-Yu has been devising marketing strategies to interest Mandarin speaking graduates in the UK. Following their education overseas students are able to stay in the UK for up to two years and Hsin-Yu has highlighted the opportunities residencies offer for... Read More